a unified theory of
Happiness requires our focused attention. It isn’t chasing the next moment, but “being completely engaged in the present moment.”
We are happy when we skillfully engage with:
- others, especially in friendship and love,
- goals that bring out the best in us,
- and the All of which we are part.
What’s needed is a guide that shows how to engage fully. Personal breakthroughs, life-long meditation, and twelve years of research resulted in the only East-West synthesis that exists.
I offer:
A Unified Theory of Happiness:
An East-Meets-West Approach to Fully Loving Your Life.

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can preorder THE 10 HABITS OF SANITY.
Enlightenment Guaranteed
I felt my own interconnectedness, studied flow experiences for decades, and learned from hundreds of masters and traditions before I wrote this book.
Insane times require sane habits, whether you are religious or not. I have learned from the best and compiled this…
- down-to-earth,
- secular (scientific),
- psycho-spiritual guide.
Learn to uncover your “natural, ordinary” mind. I offer:
Enlightenment Guaranteed
Gifts for Preordering
Gifts include:
– The Heart Sutra — A modern version, E-book
– The Happiness Workshop — One hour, downloadable
– A chance to win the audio version of A Unified Theory of Happiness and more

Use this button to be notified when you
can preorder The Heart Sutra.
The Heart Sutra
The Heart Sutra is featured in the book THE 10 HABITS OF SANITY, but was also made into a separate booklet. I created this version of the old Zen Buddhist text to make possible an intuitive understanding of the sutra. If we must read whole books to interpret a poem, it loses its greatest power, which is its immediacy.
While I had to read many books on the sutra, the most important part of my study was to meditate on the sutra for many months. Altogether, it took me years to “feel” the sutra. I decided to leave out foreign concepts, terms, and names as to offer the reader a chance to feel the sutra as I eventually did. The text is enlightening, as it always was, and fresh, as it was always meant to be.
The Heart Sutra is a beautiful booklet that features professional photography by Michael Desmond.
Read and recite the sutra often and let it transform you. Your light of consciousness will become more accessible as you meditate on it frequently.
I bow to the divine in you.
Yours, Dr. P.

Once payment is made, please click the link
“Return to Dr. Andrea Polard.”
It will take you directly to the Audio Workshop.
This one hour, audio workshop features meditative music by Paul Colicchio and is interactive with many meditation exercises.
Enjoy while learning concrete steps:
- What is Life’s Big Promise
- What is the Foundation of Happiness
- Reach In
- Reach Out
- Find Authenticity
The How of Happiness brings alive the theory of happiness.